


Since 1861,

Gwynedd Mercy and 仁爱修女会 have nurtured competent, compassionate young women prepared to serve a vulnerable world. Today, 我们永恒的使命, 植根于仁慈的价值观, empowers students through transformative education. In our pursuit of unlocking the boundless potential of our girls to prepare them for the increasingly complex demands of the future, our “她是未来”战略计划 has reshaped the daily student experience with a dynamic academic schedule, 扩大咨询, 以及有影响力的领导, wellness, 以及社区倡议. Now, our school facility must continue to evolve, too. Join us we embark on this historic campaign to honor the legacy of 仁爱修女会 and create an even more nurturing environment for all our Monarchs to transform and take flight A Place to Soar.

View from Above

Note: 粉色代表翻新空间. 黄色代表新的空间.

We're renovating our 1955 cafeteria and building a new wing to provide our girls with an expansive dining and 社区共享seminar room, 咨询中心, and two classrooms. These spaces, covering over 37,000 square feet, 将促进学术创新, self-advocacy, leadership, 以及社区联系, ensuring the promise of our strategic plan "She is the Future."


Campaign Goal:
$7.0 Million

Funds Needed:

Completion Date:
January 2025









准备翻新和扩建, 格温内斯·默西餐厅, 1955年至今, will soon be transformed to enhance the dining and social experiences essential to the health and wellness of current and future students. 欢迎来到公共社区, an inclusive space with expansive indoor and outdoor dining and gathering areas and a modern kitchen and servery. Here, 效率满足舒适度, 提供了一个多用途的用餐地点, study, collaborate, 和同伴一起充电. 在我们校园的中心, the Commons will also be used for academic purposes and a wide variety of meetings and events, bringing together members across our entire school community.

社区共用资源特点: New indoor and outdoor dining and gathering spaces with increased capacity (160 - 224+) / Larger Colleague Dining Room to encourage collegiality and collaboration / New School Store to serve our community and show school spirit / Upgraded kitchen for enhanced food delivery and catering / Redesigned servery with quick access to freshly prepared entrees and grab-n-go stations to promote healthy food choices and shorter lines

"The 社区共享 will be like the kitchen table in the family home, a place where meals and conversations are shared, and a lifelong sisterhood of support begins."










Seminar Room

21世纪的教育 is all about preparing students for the real world, fostering their ability to utilize innovative resources, 创造性地解决问题, 并与同事有效合作. 介绍研讨室, a unique space at Gwynedd Mercy where small group interactions and expansive grade-level dialogues find their home. Equipped with state-of-the-art technology and adaptable furnishings, this room is primed for interdisciplinary instruction and collaborative and project-based learning. The Seminar Room will also serve as a hub for delivering the School's Wellness Curriculum.

研讨室特点: 最大的GMA教室, capable of fitting a full grade level / Flexible functionality as one expansive or two distinct learning spaces / Versatile space to accommodate various teaching configurations / Convenient access to 社区共享 and 咨询中心


collaboration, the Seminar Room will allow our girls to cultivate vital teamwork skills and empower them to confidently assume leadership roles in the future."








提升整体幸福感 of each student and enhancing her possibilities is at the heart of our School and 大学咨询 Programs. 请走进我们新的咨询中心, a more expansive and inviting environment to accommodate the growth of our counseling staff and services in support of all our students, families, 参观学院和大学. 这个新的避风港将散发出温暖, 坚定的支持, 以及坚定不移的专业精神, fostering an atmosphere where all students can thrive and flourish.

咨询中心特点: Welcoming reception area for students and visitors / Six private, professional offices assuring confidentiality / Executive conference room for meetings and college visits / Convenient Access to 社区共享 and Seminar Room

"Actively caring for and preparing every student to succeed and contribute to the world is the core of our comprehensive Counseling Program and our mission as a Mercy school."








1831年由凯瑟琳·麦考利创立 in Dublin, Ireland, 仁爱修女会, affectionately known as "the walking sisters," defied the norms of their time by extending their mission beyond convent walls to aid the marginalized — caring for the poor, the sick, 没有受过教育的人. 

Since 1861, 慈悲修女会一直是支柱, architects, and dedicated caretakers of our beloved school, and their indelible legacy is woven into the very essence of our institution. 作为我们学校扩建的一部分, 我们很荣幸地向大家介绍慈善遗产步行, 向“行走的姐妹们”致敬." This path will lead visitors to our new 社区共享, marked by a significant stone honoring 仁爱修女会. Along this walk, we will illuminate the five Core Values of Mercy Education: Compelled by Mercy, 教育的勇气, 受信仰启发, 有原则的领导, 尊严与尊重之声. We will also celebrate each Sister of Mercy who has served and graduated from our beloved Academy with an engraved brick, 确保她在学校的不朽遗产.

"No work of charity can be more productive of good to society than the careful instruction of women."











Julie & Chip Behr P’02
Cindy & Mike DeCandido P ' 09, ' 16
Sr. 帕特里夏·弗林,R.S.M.
Kathleen & 布莱恩·汉南,26岁
凯特·丹尼尔斯·英贝西92届 & 托尼·英贝西22岁,25岁
凯瑟琳·罗德,M.D. 60年,92年,92年,14年,25年
Sr. 凯特·休伯格,R.S.M. ’65
Sandi Sicilia-Pasceri P ' 97 ' 02 ' 21
Denise Corkery Marbach ’72, P’05, ’09, President
Colleen Belz Frascatore ’89, Director of Advancement

Lower Gwynedd, PA 19002